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happy campers pose for a group photo

Designed for Teens

Many families don't yet know about summer camp for teens, but they should - MTC makes no compromise in providing the best teen summer experience. MTC offers the diversity of an international camp experience, and a shared sense of community, inclusive, safe, clique-free and well-supervised social environment. This provides the basis for a fun summer, packed full of new experiences, the exploration of new activities, and age-appropriate challenge that teens need to grow, and gain confidence and independence. MTC is the only residential summer camp independently shown to improve camper well being, social and cognitive function.

campers joyfully leap into a clear lake

A beautiful summer in the

state of Maine

a beautiful campus nestled between two lakes

Surrounded by beautiful nature

Maine Teen Camp is uniquely situated, bordered by two lakes, nestled into some of Southern Maine's most scenic hills. A true camp setting, a space apart from the real world, a summer camp for teens. A device free opportunity for teens to relax and reconnect with nature, with friends, and with their own interests. To answer the key question of adolescence - Who am I? MTC offers something rare and valuable to teens - A summer of meaning.

the directors Matt and Monique Pines

Maine family owned & operated

Many families don't yet know about summer camp for teens, but they should - Maine Teen Camp makes no compromise in providing the best teen summer experience. MTC offers the diversity of an international camp experience, shared sense of community, inclusive, safe and well-supervised social environment to provide the basis for a fun summer, packed full of new experiences, the exploration of new activities, and age-appropriate challenge that teens need to grow, and gain confidence and independence.

campers gather on a grassy field


smiling campers on a messy carnival day


soccer players contest the ball



late afternoon over a gorgeous Maine lake


a perfect Maine waterftont day

Explore our Activities

Maine Teen Camp offers over 35 different activities in a fully elective format - rock music, tennis, waterskiing, cooking, community service and so much more, we are well known within the camping industry for our programs that are widely recognized as among the best offerings within US Summer Camps. Make the choices that interest you, that make you happy. At MTC, you're respected as the individual you are. 

Want more camp?


The Camp Store

Get your Maine Teen Camp logo gear here. You can shop from our wide range of camp clothing and gear here, stuff not available anywhere else!

A Dream Wedding

Let Maine Teen Camp be the place for your special event. We rent the facility for weddings, gatherings, reunions, just about any event you can dream up!

Empty Sea Music

At Maine Teen Camp we believe that we have one of the best camp music programs offered anywhere. Check out our talented campers & staff!

happy campers


It's me.

great friends smile and hug

As I approach the end of my third summer at Maine Teen Camp, I feel so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to experience what so many do not. Every year since the first summer, I have come to camp to find a healthy, safe, and loving community.  Not only is camp the better alternative to my spending my summer glued to my phone and not leaving my house, but from waterskiing to improving my guitar skills, MTC has made such a big impact on my life.  It brought my friends and I together. 


When you have friends who live in a different state or even a different country, a few weeks of camp really makes a difference.  If I hadn’t been able to come back to camp this year or the last, I am confident in the fact that would never see them again.  You wouldn’t think that important friendships could be formed in 2-4 weeks, but at camp, I made some of the best friends that I will ever have, who even when six hours away, always answer the phone when I call saying that I need them.

Love Always

Have a question?

Have a question or looking got more information? Feel free to reach out to us via our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

a thrilling zipline descent
a camper shines on stage
daydreaming in a grassy field, guitar in hand

Free to be

Free to become

Diversity and inclusion are core values at MTC. By creating a space that celebrates the individual, in which every individual feels safe, all our campers are free to be their best selves. MTC provides a space for adolescents to tell their own stories, and learn more about who they are and what interests them.

MTC is the only ACA accredited summer camp created exclusively for teenagers ages 12-17. Enjoy a device-free summer of connection, meaning, fun, friendships and memories to last a lifetime.


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